In the event of a public health emergency, the Clark County Health Department may direct you to the below information. This information is only relevant in a public health emergency, when directed to this page, by the Clark County Health Department.

Medical countermeasures, or MCMs, are FDA-regulated products that may be used in a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY stemming from a terrorist attack with, or accidental release of, a biological, chemical, or radiological/nuclear agent, or a naturally occurring emerging infectious disease.  Keep calm and know that we will have enough medical countermeasures and/or vaccine for EVERYONE affected by a public health emergency.  We plan for this daily! 

General Public

Medication Voucher Tutorial

This video will assist you in printing out a medication voucher provided by your health department.  We created this medication voucher system to help you receive the medication that is right for you as quickly as possible.  To print your voucher you will need access to a computer and a printer.  If you do not have a computer and printer available, please contact a friend or family member who may be able to assist you.  If you are unable to gain access to a computer and/or printer report to the closest Point of Dispensing and public health personnel will direct you to a library, school computer room or to a kiosk where this medical voucher can be completed online and printed.  Arriving at the Point of Dispensing with medication voucher’s already printed is ideal and will greatly decrease the amount of time spent at the POD. 


Public Health Dept. Partner Organization Information & Training Videos

Dispense Assist Training for Closed Points of Dispensing

A Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) Site is a location that is operated by a private organization for a target group which may include employees and their families and/or clients/members they serve. Closed PODs are not open to the public.


Dispense Assist Training for Hospitals

This video explains how hospitals can use Dispense Assist for seasonal influenza vaccination clinics and day-to-day use.

Clark County Health Dept Point of Dispensing Volunteers – Medical and Nonmedical Personnel

Our mission is to provide rapid PEP and Quality Care to our citizens and visitors.  Unlike many public health services this mission will focus on mass care rather than on individualized care.  Remember, we may need to reach 120,000 or more persons in need of protective medicines.  

Dispense Assist Training – The Basics

This video is for anyone who needs a basic understanding of Dispense Assist and how to use it during a public health emergency. Dispense Assist is a fairly new program in the last several years that will greatly reduce time spent at a Point of Dispensing, therefore saving lives.

Point of Dispensing Training Video – Overview

This video is Just-in-Time Training for Point of Dispensing (POD) site Personnel, and is based on the Incident Command System (ICS).  This video was created by the Alameda County Health Department in California.  99% of the content is applicable to us.  The 1% that is not applicable is at least relatable to our jurisdiction.  For example, the video mentions landmarks such as the Bay Bridge, Oakland Coliseum Complex, Public Transit Systems, Airport, Public Buildings, Shopping Malls, etc.  We can use common sense in thinking about what landmarks in Kentuckiana may be targets as well. 

Point of Dispensing Training Video – Part 1

This video is for anyone who will be working and/or volunteering in a Public Health Emergency Point of Dispensing.  This video was created by the Alameda County Health Department in California.  99% of the content is applicable to us.  The 1% that is not applicable is at least relatable to our jurisdiction.  For example, the video mentions landmarks such as the Bay Bridge, Oakland Coliseum Complex, Public Transit Systems, Airport, Public Buildings, Shopping Malls, etc.  We can use common sense in thinking about what landmarks in Kentuckiana may be targets as well. 

Point of Dispensing Training Video – Part 2

This video is for anyone who will be working and/or volunteering in a Public Health Emergency Point of Dispensing.  This video was created by the Alameda County Health Department in California.  99% of the content is applicable to us.  The 1% that is not applicable is at least relatable to our jurisdiction.  For example, the video mentions landmarks such as the Bay Bridge, Oakland Coliseum Complex, Public Transit Systems, Airport, Public Buildings, Shopping Malls, etc.  We can use common sense in thinking about what landmarks in Kentuckiana may be targets as well. 

Interested in volunteering?

Please go to to register as a Clark County Health Department Volunteer.  Signing up in advance of an emergency is ideal.  "Save time. Save Lives.”



Promoting a Safe and Healthy Community for the People of Clark County Indiana